Site last updated


Tim Flickinger & Justin Williams

208A S. Spring St.

Wakarusa, IN 46573

(574) 862-4378

Senior Does

Does are listed Oldest to Youngest

Flick’s Acres EFSN Jujett

2002 AGS National Grand Champion Sable Doe


Emerald-Forest Sable Neon

Sweetbriar DS Sable Osage

Kids-Too Sable Naomi 3*M

Dandy-Line Sam’s Jingles

Dandy-Line G.C.S.P. Samson AI

Dandy-Line KBA Jam 4*M

CH Lake-Country Moon At Night


Lake-Country Constant Sovann *B

Hy-Crest Countess Constantine +B

GCH Lake-Country Romantic Satinet 11*M

Lake-Country Romantic Moonwind 10*M

GCH Two-Cedars CC Joshua AI ++*B

GCH Lake-Country Tsunamic Moana 9*M

SGCH C-Creek CPTT Tippy Toes 4*M

2008 ISBA National Specialty Show GCH & Best Udder!!! 

Part of our 2008 Indiana SF Dairy Herd & GCH Sable!



*B Cherrypines Tommy Toes


McQuitty Farm Blue Bayou

GCH Cherrypines Cute Tomatoe 5*M

SG C-Creek WMT Snobunny 3*M


SG +B Windsor Manor SO Thunder

SGCH Windsor Manor TRD Buffy 2*M

 CH Flick’s Acres LCA Jobeck

2004 AGS National Jr Grand Champion  Sable Doe


Lake-Country Knight In Armor *B

Lake-Country Constant Sovann *B

Lake-Country Tsunamic Shiseido 9*M

Flick’s-Acres CAL Juzelle

Loughlin’s LB Calvery *B

Flick’s-Acres EFSN Jujett

CH Flick’s-Acres NAP Julyee


Flick’s Acres LCA Napoleon

Lake Country Night In Armor

C-Creek Shark’s Noelle

Flick’s Acres EFSN Jujett

Emerald-Forest Sable Neon

Dandy Line Sam’s Jingles

Flick’s-Acres TickleMyToes


Flick’s Acres CAL Niklas

Loughlin’s LB Calvery

CH Flick’s Acres NA Nikole

SGCH C-Creek CPTT Tippy Toes 4*M

CherryPines Tommy Toes *B

SG C-Creek WMT Snobunny 3*M

CH Flick’s-Acres FAJ Nolita


Flick’s Acres LCA Jeeves

Lake Country Night In Armor

Flick’s Acres EFSN Jujett

C-Creek Shark’s Noelle 4*M

Starfire’s DRE Cutty Shark +*B

GCH Exemplr Snobetty Boo AI 3*M

MarlleAcres SN Sheela


Flick’s Acres CAL Niklas

Loughlin’s LB Calvery

CH Flick’s Acres NA Nikole

MarlleAcres So High Sheena

White-Line So High Tower

Wild-Willow Hershey Bar

Tradewinds Legacy’s Silhouette

Purebred Saanen


Tradewinds RL Victory’s Legacy

Willow-Brook Designer R Lauren

Tradewinds ROC Victory

Tradewinds MOW Victoria’s Secret

Tradewinds Man O War

Tradewinds ROC Victoria

Flick’s Acres Kokonut Kream

Purebred Saanen

2008 Indiana State Fair Jr Ch


York’s MF Skywalker Sultan

Lake Country Prism Skywalker

Lake Country Laidro Solstice

Flick’s Acres RRG Krispy Kreme

Rocky-Run Rogue’s Gabriel

Hutchinson’s Krishna

Flick’s Acres BH Non-Sense

American Sable


Briarwind KVTS Hadley

*B Kapra Vista Taesar Sinjin

Briarwind Z Hadrah

C-Creek Shark’s Noelle 4*M

Starfire’s DRE Cutty Shark

Exemplr Snobetty Boo 3*M

Flick’s Acres FAJ No Spiders

American Sable - Polled


Flick’s Acres JN Janik

Flick’s Acres CAL Niklas

Flick’s Acres NAP Jules

CH Flick’s Acres FAJ Nolita

Flick’s Acres LCA Jeeves

C-Creek Shark’s Noelle 4*M

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All Pictures and written material property of Flick’s Acres (Co2005-2010) Please ask for permission before using pictures or content. For questions about reservations or sables please contact Flick’s Acres.  For questions or problems concerning this website and it’s functions please contact the webmaster.  This site built and maintained by A.Kowalik.  Thank you!